Pêle-Mêle Works is an independent publisher of music instructional products. It aims for a unique combination of quality, attention to detail, and novelty in the design of instructional material for students, teachers, and musicians.
Titles address both mainstream and more specific or daring music topics. You will find material to cater for a wide range of musicians’ skills and playing abilities.

Music   Publication
Pêle-Mêle Works is an independent publisher of music instructional products. It aims for a unique combination of quality, attention to detail, and novelty in the design of instructional material for students, teachers, and musicians.
Titles address both mainstream and more specific or daring music topics. You will find material to cater for a wide range of musicians’ skills and playing abilities.

Music   Publication
Featured in
Pêle-Mêle Works books have been praised by magazines such as Guitar Techniques, Guitar World, Jazz Times, Classical Guitar and have been featured by industry professionals (e.g., artists, educators, manufacturers) in a variety of media outlets.
Pêle-Mêle Works products are used every day by musicians—and aspiring musicians—the world over.

and others…
Featured in
Pêle-Mêle Works books have been praised by magazines such as Guitar Techniques, Guitar World, Jazz Times, Classical Guitar and have been featured by industry professionals (e.g. artists, educators, manufacturers) in a variety of media outlets.
Pêle-Mêle Works products are used every day by musicians—and aspiring musicians—the world over.

and others…
What they say
Those who use, teach, and study from Pêle-Mêle Works books are encouraged to share their experience and feedback with others and with the publisher.
Here are some quotes from reviews on Amazon .
For extended reviews and feature articles by magazines and industry professionals, see the CATALOGUE section.
“ ”
“ I needed a book for writing down chords, tabs, songs….this fits the bill perfectly. Great quality and price, and delivered next day. ”
“ By far the most complete book on the subject for both hands. My daily exercise book! ”
“ This book is definitely one in a million as it is not filled with just the usual scales and tab diagrams but rather tries to act as a guitar tutor in a book. It gives excellent advice on technique and posture whilst providing illustrated guides on hand and finger exercises along with techniques to master the art of playing. ”
“ I am very pleased with the Music Paper Notebook, Uke Chord Diagrams. I use it for my students to learn the chords and also give them exercises. Terrific! ”
“ Terrific book, best I’ve seen. This is the book that finally made the CAGED system usable in everyday playing for me. It tamed the fretboard for me. ”
“ Excellent book for learning notes on the fretboard above the first position. Includes same-pitch note patterns, octave patterns, and practice for locating notes as written on the treble staff. ”
“ Excellent, très très théorique…. Et quelques fois difficile de tout saisir pour un néophyte… Mais les spécialistes aussi y trouveront de quoi approfondir leurs connaissances. ”
and heaps more…